
若你有其他事項需要寫信而本文並未涵蓋,或者有進一步的意見查詢,可以 Telegram 聯絡 @ugfn1000 (或需收費)。


  • 發問前,請先閱讀官方網站以及本群提供嘅資源。
  • 查詢時請提及自己嘅全名以及申請編號(如適用)。
  • 請如實向對方講出自己情況/查詢,清楚便可。
  • 對方未必會應承/正面回答你,但問咗唔會有負面影響。
  • 您不應過分擔心英文文法錯誤而影響對方對您嘅印象。
  • 請使用自己認為合適嘅方法查詢(電話/電郵/親身上門);如果需要經過指定程序方可完成嘅,職員將會向你解釋。


1. 查詢派位進度

Title: Enquiry on Admission

Dear HKU,

Name: ____
Applicant number: ____
Subject applied: ____

I am currently a first year student in xxxx with a GPA xxxx out of 4.0, and I am strongly interested in studying in ____.

I have heard that several other applicants with a lower GPA has already received an offer in the subject. I would be much grateful if you could review my application.

It is my dream to pursue my studies in HKU. If you could grant me an offer, I will cherish the opportunity to study and apply what I will learn to help the society.

Thank you for your help.


2. 請求向學校延後遞交文件

Title:  Request for Deferral of Document Submission

Dear ____,

Name: _____
Application No: ____
Subject Applied: ____ 

I have received an offer in ____, and I would gladly accept the offer. I am supposed to submit my ____, however my official transcript may not be available by ___, due to ____. As such, I would like to request for a deferral of the submission deadline to  ____.

Thank you so much for your help.


3. 接受派位

Dear ____,

Name: _____
Application No: ____
Subject Applied: ____ 

Yes, I am delighted to accept the offer. Thank you very much.


4. 通知 Referee 您已於系統內邀請起發出推薦信

Dear [name],

Thank you very much again for writing me a reference letter. I would like to let you know that I have included your contact in the application for HKU, CUHK and HKUST. The universities should have sent you invitations independently by email through their systems. Please let me know if any further information is needed.

Thank you for your help.


5. 請求學校修改資料

Title: Request to amend data

Application No:

I would like to apologize as I incorrectly entered my latest GPA as X.XX. My correct GPA would be X.XX. Could you please amend accordingly?


6. 請求面試改期或轉Online

Dear [Recipient's Name],

Thank you for offering me an interview. As I will be [having an exam] / another interview / (your reason) ] on [date], is it possible to [schedule the interview to another day / arrange an online interview]? Thank you!

1. 如果同其他校內活動無撞時間,不過同一日想準備得更好,可唔可以叫佢改時間?
Ans: 請直接向相關機構查詢。
2. 通常會唔會得?
Ans: 請直接向相關機構查詢。
3. 我係咪要附上證明?
Ans: 最好有啦。
4. 佢話無得改時間,咁點算?
Ans: 一係問另一邊改時間,如果兩邊都唔肯就二選一囉。
5. 我臨場有事 / 中左 COVID / 係密切接觸者,可唔可以叫佢改時間?
Ans: 請直接向相關機構查詢。
6. 我可唔可以請求 Online 面試?
Ans: 請直接向相關機構查詢。

7. 學校叫我上傳文件,但相關文件未出

Dear [Recipient's name],

Name: [name]
Application No: [#]

Thank you for reviewing my application. My result for [exam] is not available yet, and I expect to receive that on [date]. I will upload my result to the application system once available.


8A. 表示自己將出席面試

延伸閱讀: 如何準備面試

Application No: XXXXX

Thank you for offering me an interview. I will attend the interview as scheduled.

8B. 表示自己未克出席面試

Thank you for offering me an interview. As I received an offer from [another university / another subject], I will not attend the interview.


9. 想改Choice

HKU:  Early round deadline 前可以
CityU / EduHK: 可以,每科加錢
CU / UST / Poly / LU / BU: policy話唔可以;但你仍然可以試下問學校酌情批准。


Subject: Request to Amend my Application Choice 

Dear Admissions Officer,

I am writing to kindly request to amend my application choice. My previous selection was for the [Computer Science] program, however I would like to change the course and pursue a degree in [Mathematics] instead. 

The reason for this switch is that I have recently become more interested in and passionate about [mathematics]. I believe it is where my talents and interests lie, and as such, would like to make an worthwhile contribution to the field someday.  

I understand that making this change may mean additional paperwork and a delay in processing my application, however I wanted to give you a heads up so everything goes more smoothly. Thank you so much for your help with this matter.  Please let me know if you need any further information from me regarding the change of program selection, or have any questions about my application in general. 


10. 中左COVID,想向學校請假

1. 之後有無得睇返 Recording
2. 若該科需要出席率, 可否獲得豁免

(2023-03-16 Update: 目前衛生署嘅指引係唔需要再隔離;但如果自己判斷覺得唔適合返學嘅仍然可以問。)

Title: Sick Leave Application

Dear Professor [name],

I will be unable to attend classes in the coming few days for the class [course code], as I'm [COVID-positive / a close contact to COVID-19 patient].

I would like to know if there's any video recordings / zoom meeting for the class, and how would my attendance be counted. 

Thanks a lot.

11. 見到其他人有Interview,請求學校派埋俾自己

Subject: Application for PolyU SFT Programme

Dear Sir/Madam, 

I am writing to inquire about my application for the PolyU SFT programme. I submitted my application a few weeks ago, and I have been checking for any updates regarding my application status. 

I noticed that many other applicants are invited for an interview, and I was wondering if it would be possible for me to receive an invitation as well. I am very interested in this programme and I look forward to the chance of taking part in the interview process. 

Please let me know if there is any possibility of being invited to the interview stage. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. 

Sincerely yours, 
Your name

12. 唔記得交留位費想補交

Subject: Request for Late Payment of Registration Fee

Dear Admissions Office, 

I am writing to you in regards to my application for admission at The University of Hong Kong. Unfortunately, I completely forgot about the deadline for payment of my registration fee and thus did not pay it in time. I apologize for this oversight on my part and would be very grateful if you consider this email as a request for late payment. 

If late payment is allowed, I will make sure to send the necessary funds immediately. I have already prepared all the documents necessary for admission and am eager to continue with the admissions process. 

Thank you for your understanding; I look forward to hearing from you soon. 

Your Name

13. 希望放棄自己早前接受嘅派位

Dear [recepient],

Name: [name]
Application No: [#]
Programme applied: [programme]

I would like to withdraw my offer for the above programme, as I have decided to study in another university. Please advise the procedure to complete the process.


建立日期: 2021-07-28